COVID-19 Screenings

Onsite COVID-19 Screenings

Able Safety can provide your job site with trained EMTs or First Responders to perform onsite COVID-19 screenings. Our dedicated COVID screeners will take your employees’ temperatures using an infrared thermometer and also complete COVID-19 risk assessment questionnaires used for determining COVID symptoms for each employee. Able Safety will handle setting up your job site screening station and provide all necessary supplies, such signage, the infrared thermometer, COVID questionnaires, etc.

Choosing a dedicated EMT or first responder to perform your onsite COVID-19 screenings will benefit you by having a specific person assigned to the task. Dedicated screeners provide the focus necessary to carry out the job in an effective and secure manner and help stop the spread of the virus. COVID-19 screenings will allow you to detect COVID-19 symptoms among employees, reduce the spread of the virus on the job site, and lessen the impact of the virus on your project’s timeline.

Able Safety can provide qualified screeners for both 4-hour and 8-hour shifts at a competitive rate at job sites and a variety of other facilities and establishments throughout Florida. Able Safety’s qualified EMTs and First Responders will conduct COVID-19 risk assessments of your current job force and make routine observations by taking the temperatures of all employees using a “non-touch” infrared light thermometer.

Contact Able Safety to learn more about the COVID-19 Safety Services we offer our clients to assist in keeping employees safe and healthy on job sites.