COVID-19 Awareness and Preparedness Training

COVID-19 Awareness and Preparedness Training

The goal of this program is to inform workers about how to protect themselves and co-workers from exposure to the COVID-19 virus. Students will learn how to recognize symptoms of COVID-19 and other diseases, plan best practices to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 on construction sites, and properly implement PPE and signage, as well as other measures to fight communicable diseases. ICRA (infection control risk assessments) will also be covered in this course. The ICRA process is used to identify possible hazards and mitigate their impact in high-risk work environments.

Employer and worker responsibilities under the OSH act are as follows:

  • Employers are required to provide employees with a safe and healthy workplace free of recognized hazards and follow OSHA standards, including providing pandemic-awareness training, medical examinations, and record keeping.

  • Workers are responsible for participating in the development and implementation of the employer's safety and health policies. They should help ensure that policies are implemented in the workplace, which entails promoting the use of all required equipment, following safe workplace practices, and reporting hazardous conditions to their employer.

COVID-19 Awareness and Preparedness Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this COVID-19 awareness and preparedness training, the student will be able to:

  • Explain basic facts about COVID-19, including how it is spread and symptoms of exposure

  • Assess the risk of workplace exposure to COVID-19

  • Define key steps in worker protection from exposure and infection control

  • Identify techniques to prevent and respond to COVID-19 exposure in the workplace